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購物滿 HKD 500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

Green Element

tigrox - Tiger Milk King [Loquat] 20 packs x 20ml/box 虎乳靈芝口服液 [琵琶雪梨味]





虎乳靈芝口服液是一款強健肺部和緩解呼吸道不適的保健品,其主要原料為馬來西亞的虎乳靈芝,是馬來西亞珍貴的國寶。虎乳靈芝傳統上用之舒緩咳嗽、喘氣、過敏發炎、發燒、感冒等病症。尤其因空氣污染問題,經過一段時間連續服用虎乳靈芝,呼吸明顯變得舒暢,肺活量也相應增強。 此款虎乳靈芝口服液進口自馬來西亞,虎乳靈芝透過生物科技技術培植,確保了最佳藥用價值,也讓質量與產量更為卓越與穩定。與此同時,經過嚴密溫度掌控以及零細菌培植過程,所生產之虎乳芝也相對符合安全與衛生規格。 5 MAJOR EFFECTS RESOLVE THE SYMPTOMS AND ROOT CAUSES • Relieve Cough • Protect And Nourish The Lungs • Relieve Nasal Sensitivit And Nasal Congestion • Improve Respiratory Allergies • Enhance Body Resistance To Viruses And Self-Protection Ability


溫馨提醒 : 因供應商出貨批次不同及商業原因,部分包裝盒用黑色筆圖遮商品條碼



Tigrox 虎乳靈芝是以“清,調,補,護”為機理,加速身體修復的過程。亦會把感染的細菌通過大量排痰和鼻涕以及咳嗽徹底清除,避免感冒後咳嗽糾纏不休。



建議用量:早餐後服用 1-2包・7歳以上適合。



☆ 只有在飲食攝入不足的情況下,補充劑才有幫助
☆ 包含魚,亞硫酸鹽和大豆製品
☆ 如果您之前有任何疾病或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前咨詢您的健康專家。
☆ 某些產品應在任何手術前至少兩週停止使用,請與您的專業人員確認。
☆ 本產品為進口膳食補充營養劑,不能代替藥物使用。
☆ 若有任何疑問,請向保健專業人員咨詢,以確認此保健品是否適合您的需要。
☆ 若本產品會與其他保健品一同服用,請特別注意事先咨詢專業人員。





100% Original With Box (Packaging May Vary)

***QR code and serial number may covered) due to pricing and commercial reason.



A Product Trusted By Thousands of Malaysians
Health Benefits:
Healthy lungs are your first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.
Healthy lungs provide optimum health of the body.
Healthy lungs enhance immunity.
Healthy lungs help the heart to function well.
Healthy lungs give you a well and sound respiratory system

This is why it's important to tone and cleanse your lungs with Tigrox Tiger Milk King - a health beverage known for its power to keep your lungs healthy! It is meant for resolving symptoms of suffering lungs and treating the root causes of these respiratory diseases.

The ultimate solution to protect the lungs and respiratory system against allergies and bacteria.
Powered with centuries-old Royal Traditional Formula using Tiger Milk mushroom, Tiger Milk King improves and enhances the respiratory system.

Suggested Use:
1 box has 20 sachets

For kids consumption (6-12 years old) drink half sachet daily
For adults consumption (13 years old above) drink 1 sachet daily

Take Tigrox after every meal.
Meanwhile, a monthly treatment requires 2 boxes (30 sachets)
Tigrox Tiger Milk King is a botanical drink that is best consumed by people who are suffering from respiratory ailments:
• Cough;
• Nasal sensitivity;
• Expose to pollution;
• Have a weak body condition;
• Weak immune system in the elderly;
• Smoker or Second-hand smoker;


-Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate
-Contains fish, sulfites and soya bean products
-If you have any pre-existing conditions, or are on any medications always talk to your health professional before use
-Some products should be ceased at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please confirm with your health professional
-Store below 30°C in a dry place sway form direct sunlight.
-Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing

For product details, please refer to the package instructions.
The pictures are for reference only, and everything is subject to the actual product.
(This product is a parallel import)

The above products are health foods for daily life, not medical supplies, and have no medical effect. The above products are not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. For this reason, any claims made by the above products have not been evaluated for such registration. This product is not intended for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease.

