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Green Element

Shiseido Professional - 資生堂 Crystallizing Straight H1 新水質感Ⅱ直髮燙(抗拒性髮質) 400g + 2 直髮膏 400g



日本/泰國 商品簡介 適合粗硬或抗拒性髮質使用 性質溫和,效力持久,鬈髮變直或天生鬈髮也適合使用 針對抗拒性髮質的直髮燙劑,水質感-H不需加溫 修補髮絲,讓秀髮更順滑,容易打理




Wash your hair with shampoo (Don't use conditioner)
Blow dry the hair
Apply part 1 evenly through the hair about an inch from the scalp
Straighten the hair with a comb
Wait for 20~30 minutes (Normal or Resistant hair),wait for 10~20minutes (Damaged or Chemically treated hair)
Rinse thoroughly
Blow dry the hair again
Use Hair Straightener to straighten the hair
Apply part 2 evenly through the hair about an inch from the scalp for neutralizing
Wait for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly

This preparation may cause serious inflammation of the skin in certain persons and should be used only in accordance with expert advice.
This product is only for professionals or under the guidance of professionals.
If such products cause damage to the hair, or the effect is not good after use, Hair Forest will not bear any responsibility for this, and will not make any refund or compensation.
This product is not suitable for hair before and after bleaching and dyeing.


This product is not recommended for use prior to any bleaching or coloring services. The formulation may interact negatively with chemical hair treatments and cause severe damage.

This product is not compatible for use on previously bleached, colored, or chemically treated hair. Applying this product to pre-treated hair could result in breakage, discoloration, or other adverse effects.

Improper use of this product may lead to hair damage, including dryness, brittleness, and loss of strength and elasticity. Use with great care and caution.

This product is for professional use only or follow professional guidance. Incorrect application or use by untrained individuals could cause significant harm.

Our Store does not accept any liability or responsibility for hair damage, colour results, or other issues that may arise from the use of this product. No refunds or compensation will be provided in such cases.

