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Green Element

Paul Mitchell - Tea Tree Lemon Sage Thickening Shampoo 檸檬鼠尾草洗髮水 1000ml



This zesty formula plumps up fine hair and make hair look and feel clean, thick and healthy. It also helps strengthen strands, protect against split ends. The formula continas thickening agents that boost volume. The panthenol inside strengthens every strand. Good for colored hair. 集青檸、鼠尾草、薄荷葉及茶樹油一身,賦活清新,令幼細及柔弱髮絲增添豐厚感和支撐度,無懼地心引力。 功用: 增添豐厚感和支撐力,令頭髮不扁平,豐盈髮質感,防止髮尾開叉。 用法: 檸檬鼠尾草豐盈洗頭水按摩2-3分鐘後沖淨,再用檸檬鼠尾草豐盈護髮素塗上髮尾,沖淨便可。
