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Green Element

Paimore Curement Herbal Cadeau Repair Milk 120G 免冲洗護髮油 R(適合毛躁髮質)



The hair became dry prone, the nutrition and moisture retention UP. Enough to moist moisture use, leading to healthy hair. [How to use] After towel dry, stretched well an appropriate amount (medium hair with 2 push) in the palm of the hand, the middle from the bristles, is uneven and rub without the order of the surface, please dry. After dry, if the drying is a concern, please let soften 1 push the hair destination center.


免冲洗護髮油 R(適合毛躁髮質) Paimore Curement Herbal Cadeau Repair Milk


  • 深入髮芯提升保水度與彈性。
  • 針對容易毛躁髮質補充所需營養,並提升保濕力,讓秀髮更加柔潤健康。
  • 女神香氣持久
  • 前調 - 薰衣草 -> 中調 - 茉莉 ->後調 - 草本龍涎香
  • 適合對象:燙染後受損者 、毛髮觸感粗糙者、 髮絲乾澀亂翹者


  • 濕髮與乾髮皆可使用。
  • 濕髮 - 將頭髮擦拭半乾,取適量(及肩髮約按壓兩下)塗抹於手心,由髮尾至髮中後段的順序均勻塗抹後即可吹乾。
  • 乾髮 - 若出現乾澀、毛躁等情況,取適量(按壓一下)塗抹於髮尾處至完全吸收即可。
