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Green Element

OXICARE - O² Molecules Environment Sanitizer 天然環境分子消毒液(濃縮版) 2000ml 【食品級配方】【有效殺菌率高達99.99%】



Oxicare O2 Molecules Environment Sanitizer is with Food-Grade Standard and safe around food. You are safe to sanitize while having meals. It is specially made to dispense by Ultrasonic Mist Atomizer as viruses spread thru aerosol, so it needs to be tackled by aerosol mist method. 🌿ECO-FRIENDLY 🌿ALCOHOL-FREE 🌿FOOD-GRADE 🌿NON-IRRITATION Description Environment Sanitizer ➡️Alcohol-Free ➡️Sanitize & Deodorize ➡️Disinfect Instantly ➡️Kills 99.99% Of Bacteria, Viruses & Microbes INGREDIENTS: RO Water, Processed Oxygenated Water, Silver Ion Oxicare O² Molecules Environment Sanitizer is Odorless and Deodorize ,It won't irritating to your skin, suitable for everyone including babies and elderly How to Use: Air Sanitizing: Spray directly into the air to kill bacteria and viruses. (Recommended to use ultrasound atomizer) Direct Contact: Spray on surface to eliminate bacteria and viruses. (Recommended to use atomized spray gun) Suitable for clothing, furniture, carpet, car interior, curtain etc Mist Atomizer:7.5ml O2 Molecules :1000ml RO Water/ 105ml O2 Molecules : 1600ml RO Water Direct Contact:1 O2 Molecures :1 RO Water Note: Oxicare O2 Molecures cap contain 20ml per cap. 【Caution】 *Do not use for purposes other than product design. *If you have any questions, please check with customer service before purchasing. *The picture is for reference only, the product packaging may be changed due to batches. *There may be color difference between the product picture and the actual product. *Please avoid storing in high heat or direct sunlight. *Do not handle this product roughly, such as throwing it away. It may cause damage or deformation. *Do not use damaged or deformed products. There is a danger of accidents such as injury. *The effect varies depending on the environment and method of use. *If the use environment contains an abnormally large amount of organic substances, such as dirt and odor-producing substances, it will take some time to feel the change. *Do not disassemble or modify the product by yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oxicare O2 Molecure有效殺滅多種細菌及病毒(如: Covid, 沙士SARS、禽流感H5N1、人流感H3N2、軍團菌和抗藥性金黃葡萄球菌等),分解總揮發性有機化合物 (TVOC),如: 甲醛及除異味。 產品獲權威機構認證,安全可靠,適合任何年齡人士使用。 主要成分:純净水,加氧水和銀離子 (含有高濃度氧氣) 使用方法 空氣消毒:在於空氣中有效殺滅病毒和細菌. (建議使用: 超聲波霧化機) 接觸消毒:直接噴射表面. (建議使用: 霧化噴霧器/霧化噴霧槍) 適用物件:衣物,家私, 地毯, 車廂, 窗簾, 餐具等等. 詳細介紹 Oxicare O2 Molecure有效殺滅多種細菌及病毒(如: Covid, 沙士SARS、禽流感H5N1、人流感H3N2、軍團菌和抗藥性金黃葡萄球菌等),分解總揮發性有機化合物 (TVOC),如: 甲醛及除異味。 產品獲權威機構認證,安全可靠,適合任何年齡人士使用。 主要成分:純净水,加氧水和銀離子 (含有高濃度氧氣) 使用方法 空氣消毒:在於空氣中有效殺滅病毒和細菌. (建議使用: 超聲波霧化機) 接觸消毒:直接噴射表面. (建議使用: 霧化噴霧器/霧化噴霧槍) 適用物件:衣物,家私, 地毯, 車廂, 窗簾, 餐具等等. 超聲波霧化機:7.5ml O2環境分子消毒液 :1000ml 蒸餾水/ 105ml O2環境分子消毒液 : 1600ml 蒸餾水 超聲波霧化機:1 O2環境分子消毒液 :1 蒸餾水 Note: Oxicare O2環境分子消毒液瓶蓋:20ml 注意事項: 只供外用,兒童必須在成人指導下使用。避免陽光直接照射,存放於陰涼乾燥處。 【注意事項】 *請勿使用於非產品設計之用途。 *如有任何疑問,購買前請先向客服查詢。 *圖片只供參考,產品包裝有機會因批次而更換。 *產品圖片與實物或會有色差。 *請避免存放於高熱或陽光直射的地方。 *請勿粗暴地操作本產品,例如扔掉本產品。它可能會造成損壞或變形。 *請勿使用損壞或變形的產品。存在傷害等事故的危險。 *效果因使用環境及方式而異。 *如使用環境中含有異常大量的有機物質,例如污垢和產生異味的物質,則要花些時間才能感覺到變化。 *請勿自行拆解或改裝產品。
