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Green Element

Listerine - Pocketmist Cool Mint 2 Pack 清涼薄荷口腔噴霧 2個裝



Refresh your mouth anytime, anywhere with Listerine Cool Mint Pocket mist Oral Care Fresh Breath Mist. This minty mouth spray kills 99% of germs that cause bad breath, according to laboratory studies, for a clean feeling mouth. The breath refresher spray is small enough to fit on your keychain, or in your bag or pocket, so you can freshen your breath no matter where you go. 使用 Listerine 李施德霖清涼薄荷口袋噴霧,隨時隨地讓您的口腔煥然一新。 根據實驗室研究,這款微嘴噴霧可殺死 99% 引起口臭的細菌,讓口腔乾淨。 口氣清新噴霧小巧,可放入鑰匙圈或包包或口袋中,因此無論您去哪裡,都可以清新口氣。 無糖配方採用無氣溶膠口腔噴霧瓶,具有令人振奮的清涼薄荷味。 兩瓶 7.7 毫升李施德霖清涼薄荷 Pocketmist 無糖口腔護理清新口氣噴霧,可殺死 99% 引起口臭的細菌(根據實驗室測試),讓您有持久的口氣。 使用這款方便攜帶的口腔呼吸清新噴霧,可殺死口臭細菌,讓您的口腔感覺乾淨。 無氣溶膠噴霧瓶為口袋大小,便於攜帶,讓您隨時隨地煥然一新。 7.7 毫升瓶裝口臭噴霧,給您清新口氣,殺死細菌,帶來乾淨的口氣。 只需一個方便的步驟,即可發現清新口氣,使用便攜式口腔噴霧瓶,清新薄荷味和無糖配方,快速殺死口臭細菌。 Two 7.7-milliliter bottles of Listerine Cool Mint Pocketmist Sugar-Free Oral Care Fresh Breath Spray to kill 99% of germs that cause bad breath (according to laboratory tests) and leave you with lasting fresh breath Refresh your mouth anytime, anywhere with this conveniently portable oral breath refresher spray that kills bad breath germs to leave your mouth feeling clean Non-aerosol mist bottle is pocket-sized and easy to carry, allowing you to refresh your mouth while on-the-go The 7.7-mL bottle of minty mouth spray for bad breath leaves you with fresh breath & kills germs for a clean feeling mouth Discover fresh breath in one convenient step that kills bad breath germs quickly with a portable oral spray bottle in an invigorating Cool Mint flavor and sugar-free formula
