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Green Element

LIM Coffee - Robusta Premium Luwak Coffee - GROUND 印尼羅布斯塔麝香貓咖啡 250g



Indonesia gets bragging rights for being home to the rarest, most expensive coffee in the world. Luwak coffee starts with Asian Palm Civets (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) picking only the ripest coffee cherries. The cherries then go through a chemical treatment in the animals digestive system, leaving the naturally processed beans in the Luwaks droppings. The beans are handpicked and subject to a stringent cleaning and meticulous roasting process, so that our beans are free from bacteria. The end result is a sweetly aromatic coffee that is silky smooth with low acidity. Our Luwak coffee is guaranteed to be 100% pure and halal-certified Luwak beans. KOPI LUWAK… A MUST TRY (AT LEAST) ONCE COFFEE!! CUP CHARACTERISTICS Nutty and rich with delicious with hints of caramel and chocolate. Incredibly smooth. Tasting Notes Region – Gayo Highlands ; Bener Meriah, Berewang Dewal Growing Altitude – 1100-1500 metres above sea level Arabica Variety – Arabica Various Typical Harvest Period – All year round Peaks in March/April/September/October Milling Process – Semi washed 印尼羅布斯塔麝香貓咖啡 | 貓屎咖啡 咖啡粉 英語: civet coffee,印尼語:Kopi Luwak ,西方人也是依照印尼語稱作Kopi luwak, 麝香貓咖啡的天然產地和人工養殖場主要集中在印尼的蘇門答臘、爪哇、峇里島,蘇拉威西等島嶼,乃全球最昂貴的咖啡之一,我們的麝香貓咖啡來自最早發現kopi luwak的產區-----蘇門答臘的Gayo highland所收集的野生麝香貓咖啡,是咖啡的極品中的極品。 麝香貓咖啡已廣被消費者所喜愛並視為咖啡中的珍品,野生麝香貓咖啡的需求量越來越大,麝香貓咖啡的原產地蘇門答臘亞齊省Gayo Highland的咖啡農便開始以人工方式培育幼麝香貓,等到這些麝香貓懂的自行覓食和學會保護自己後,便將他們放養到咖啡農場,任其自由的在山野間覓食,咖啡農則在農莊裡管理咖啡樹的同時也就順便撿拾這些得自於自然的珍貴禮物———麝香貓的糞便。 在咖啡不結果的季節裡,這些麝香貓就會自行的到山野間尋找其他的食物,咖啡農也會為這些麝香貓在農莊裡準備他們喜愛的水果或是肉類回饋他們。放養在野外的麝香貓充分的攝取了得自於大自然的食物又多了咖啡農的關懷與照料而長得特別的健康,Gayo Highland的野生麝香貓咖啡濃郁香醇的風味自然也就不是其他地區把可憐的麝香貓關在籠子裡人工飼養的所得到的咖啡所能媲美的。
