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Green Element

Kemon - ACTYVA Nutrizione Ricca Mask 水份髮膜 1000 ml



Mask Nutrizione Ricca is a mask with oils, cosmetics, waxes and lipids from olive oil and wheat proteins. Contains active emollients, repairers, brighteners and antistatic agents. With clarified. Description Features: - Face mask made of lipids of olive oil which helps to detangle the hair providing maximum nutrition and wellness to the hair. - Get a hair with discipline and uniformity from the root to the tip. Facilitates untangling and combability. Leaves hair luminous to the eye and soft and smooth to the touch. - Repair in-depth hair exposed to the sun. Restores the hydrolipidic balance natural. It provides brightness, uniformity, leaving hair supple and with body. Diagnosis / type of hair: - Hair very dry, frizzy and with lots of hard-to hairstyle. Result / effect: - Hair is shiny and elastic. Ideal for combing. - Hydration in the long term. Hair very soft and obedient that unravels easily. - Healthy hair with radiance and shine. - Protection against damage of all days (irons, blow drying...). 洗髮水 Nutrizione Ricca 使頭髮更容易解開和梳理,使纖維保持水潤,頭髮絲滑、有光澤且易於梳理。 注意:包括分配器。 特徵: - 不含硫酸鹽。 它含有天然來源的蛋白質和脂質。 - 含有含有潤膚劑、修復劑、增白劑和抗靜電劑的活性成分。 - 保護頭髮,賦予光澤、柔軟和輕盈,消除靜電。 - 這款洗髮水可提供您所需的營養平衡,幫助頭髮過度乾燥和營養不良。 診斷/頭髮類型: - 略微乾燥、暗沉、難以梳理且頭髮充滿活力。 結果/效果: - 最佳淨化和出色解開頭髮。 - 風格輕鬆流暢。
