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Green Element

Kemon - ACTYVA Equilibrio Shampoo 深層清潔洗髮水 1000ml



Cleanses deeply, removing excess sebum from the scalp. Used regularly, it helps to maintain the balance of the acid mantle. Apply to the hairline in sections. Rake to distribute, from the hairline towards the top of the head. Massage with a slow, light circular motion. Emulsify, rinse and towel dry. Repeat if necessary. This product is certified Love Nature and ICEA Vegan . Additionally, its packaging is made of Green Polyethylene. 洗完頭無幾耐又油到發光? 個頭有異味? Kemon Actyva Equilibrio 深層清潔系列幫到你,含珍珠岩配方,一種來自火山的礦物,有效吸收多餘皮脂,去除頭氣,溫和清潔,用完唔會好乾,啱哂香港咁潮濕嘅天氣。 Equilibrio 深層清潔系列含豐富無花果,法國玫瑰和蘆薈的提取物,檸檬精華等。抑皮脂過度分泌,吸收頭皮上難聞的氣味,抗菌消炎作用,清熱 解毒,消腫。 檸檬: 細胞再生,抗衰老。 Kemon洗護系列使用氨基酸起泡劑,泡沫較細膩和綿密,既能達到清潔效果,又不刺激,十分溫和。 此産品通過Love Nature和ICEA Vegan認證。
