KaARAL Blonde Elevation Yellow Out Mask 1000ml/33.8oz
- Enriched with grape extract, shea butter and purple pigment
- Intensely moisturizes and neutralizes unwanted yellow highlights on bleached, blonde, grey and highlighted hair.
- Its main ingredients are: grape extract, purple pigment and shea butter
- How to use:
- Apply to shampooed and towel-dried hair. Comb through and leave in for 1 to 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
- 可有效滋潤和中和抑制去除不需要的黃色色素,為巳漂淺色頭髮、金色頭髮、灰色頭髮和挑染頭髮上提昇灰、白和金色頭髮髮色,令冷色調染髮效果延長,亦豐富了成份內的絲綢蛋白質,為漂染的頭髮提供營養,頭髮更柔軟,富彈性和光澤。
- 主要成份:葡萄提取物、紫色顏料及乳木果油
- 建議與KaARAL去黃洗頭水配合使用,效果更佳
- 使用方法:
- 洗髮後,用毛巾輕力印乾頭髮水份。均勻塗抹至頭髮中間至末端範圍,靜置1至 5 分鐘,然後用清水洗淨。用後以洗手液洗淨雙手多次又或使用時配戴即棄手套便可。