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Green Element

HAIRCHITECT - THE BORN Deep Blue Sea Hair Spray Sea Salt Spray 清爽海洋鹽水噴霧 150ml



Hairchitect Deep Blue Sea Hair Spray can be used in many ways to give hold and style. Apply before blow-drying or after styling, or apply to dry hair and work through for beach waves. Hairchitect Deep Blue Sea Hair Spray makes hair incredibly adds volume, texture and holds your style, gives body for a beach-beautiful look. Use anytime you want to refresh, re-style or add some volume, texture. 海鹽造型噴霧(鹽水) Deep Blue Sea Hair Spray 締造粗糙及豐盈質感 新一代海鹽豐盈噴霧,能為頭髮締造粗糙及豐盈質感效果。 海鹽成份可令頭髮有粗糙的手感和啞色的感覺,並可以靈活操作在頭髮上,隨時隨地改變造型,適合任何髮型及髮質使用. 乾濕兩用 適用髮質:頭髮偏幼或缺乏彈力者使用 功效說明:可增加髮絲的質感和豐厚度,效果持久,防UV配方加強對頭髮的保護,在夏日也可持久保護頭髮造型。 使用方法:用毛巾抹乾至無水滴,噴灑於髮根位置,然後吹頭,塑造理想髮型。
