特選會員現凡消費滿 HKD 500.00,即享低至 9 折優惠!

購物滿 HKD 500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

Green Element

Green Element - 日本 YS PARK Wood Dragon Air Styler 黑碳虎梳子 YS-680-T1 日本製造



日本製造 產地日本 商品簡介 手柄由天然木材和碳(墨水)製成,可消除頭髮中積聚的靜電。高品質猪鬃和耐熱尼龍針的組合。它具有所有 YSPARK 刷子中最高密度的植絨頭髮,並施加張力,讓您的頭髮煥發光澤。 Carbon Tiger系列7款,可涵蓋數十萬種髮型。




10 major features
1. Amazing Shiny Hair
(High density planting of Natural Bristole)
2. Good Tension (Different length of nylon and Natural Bristole)
3. Easy to Catch Hair (by Long Nylon pin)
4. Shorten Blow Time (by wide planting part)
5. Able to Catch Layered Hair (by mixed level of planting from the same hole)
6. Fit over 1200W Dryer (luxury
Bristole + highly Heat Resistance - pin)
Important note: please make a clearance between dryer and brush at least 3cm to protect customer's hair and prevent damage of brush.
7. Light Weight (prevent tiredness)
8. Easy Grip & Rolling
(Hexagon handle)
9. Non Slip Handle
(Holes on handle will prevent slipping and hand wet while brushing)
10. Antistatic
(Natural Wood & Carbon paint)

