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Green Element

Gold Bond - Ultimate Healing Hand Cream 專業修復護手霜 85g



Gold Bond Ultimate® Healing Hand Cream contains 7 essential moisturizers and 3 nourishing vitamins. Vitamins include vitamin C to help protect against environmental stressors, vitamin B to help improve the appearance of the skin, and vitamin E to help prevent moisture loss. ☑️Dermatologist tested ☑️Hypoallergenic ☑️With aloe How to Use? Apply liberally as often as needed. Reapply to extremely dry, rough, or problem hands to promote speed of healing and increase level of moisturization. 美國的專業身體護理品牌Gold Bond ☑️全球皮膚科醫師大力推薦 ☑️也是美國最受歡迎的平價護膚品牌之一 ☑️其中這款護手霜是品牌主打暢銷冠軍 ☑️富含七種保濕精華和維他命BCE ☑️對於粗糙容易龜裂的雙手 ☑️提供長時間有效的滋潤和保護 ☑️且滋潤效果可以持續到下一次洗手 ☑️同時不會感到油膩和厚重感 ☑️對於過敏性/騷癢性皮膚和濕疹更是一大救星 ☑️用過之後才知道有多好用 ☑️效果遠勝過於其他皮膚外用藥膏 ☑️美國皮膚科醫師強力推薦 ☑️更是疫情期間需要頻繁洗手必備的護手霜
