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Green Element

Girl Boy - HAIR CANDY Tlc Detangling Spray 防打結頭髮噴霧 375ml



tlc spray is a light weight treatment leaving hair voluminous, soft and static free after styling.​ Added sunscreen provides extra protection during heat styling and from the sun's damaging rays. Hold factor: 0 For details, please refer to the label on the product. The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final. 即使你太忙,也要向你的頭髮展示你有多愛它。 只需用 tlc detangling 噴霧呵護它,它就會認為這是最近登上小報的熱門話題。 這是具有超級明星結果的低維護解決方案。 含有高度直接的水解小麥蛋白和泛醇,可為染色、燙過、乾燥或受損的頭髮提供急需的水分補充,恢復這種經常過度勞累的頭髮類型的強度、身體和光澤。 tlc 噴霧是一種輕量級的護理,在造型後使頭髮蓬鬆、柔軟且無靜電。 添加的防曬霜可在熱造型過程中提供額外的保護,並免受太陽的破壞性射線的傷害。
