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Green Element

3M - Daily Face Mask - Reusable Washable Adjustable Ear Loops Lightweight Cotton Fabric【3 pcs】可水洗立體口罩 黑灰色【3個裝】





3M Daily Face Masks Whether you’re traveling, running errands, attending personal appointments or doing other activities where face coverings are needed, reach for 3M Daily Face Masks. By wearing a mask that’s adjustable to your face and comfortable, you are doing your part to show you care for your community's well-being. Description ✔️Two layers of lightweight cotton fabric for breathability and comfort ✔️Adjustable, soft elastic ear loops allow for maximum comfort ✔️Bendable nose piece allows you to adjust mask to rest snugly against nose and face ✔️Nose clip and ear loops allow you to adjust mask to rest snugly against the nose and face to reduce fogging ✔️Washable and reusable ✔️Ideal for everyday use, both indoors and out ✔️Great for travel, public transportation, shopping and office settings ✔️Sold in resealable pouch that can be used for storing masks when not in use ✔️Nose clip and ear loops allow you to adjust mask to rest snugly against the nose and face to reduce fogging 3M 日常口罩 無論您是旅行、辦事、參加個人約會還是進行其他需要面罩的活動,都可以使用 3M 日常口罩。 戴上可根據您的臉部調節且舒適的口罩,您就是在儘自己的一份力量來表達您對社區福祉的關心。 這些可重複使用的口罩由兩層棉織物製成,可均勻、完全地覆蓋面部。 柔軟、可調節的彈性環最大限度地提高舒適度。 3M 日常口罩可水洗,裝在可重新密封的袋子中,不使用時可用於存放口罩。 這些口罩不用於醫療用途,也不能消除感染任何疾病或感染的風險。 如果您有哮喘、心髒病或呼吸系統疾病等健康問題,您必須在使用前諮詢您的醫療保健提供者。
