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Green Element

OLAPLEX - No.1 Bond Multiplier 525ml 重組頭髮結構



OLAPLEX No.1 Bond Multiplier No.1 Bond Multiplier is the concentrated first salon step that rebuilds broken disulphide bonds and begins the process of preventing damage and repairing hair. Multiplies and rebuilds bonds to eliminate breakage from chemical services. Olaplex lets you lighten your clients hair to levels never thought possible before, without compromising the integrity of the hair. Works with all manufacturers formulas, from lightener to colour. Benefits: ● The original bond multiplier, insurance for hair ● New and revolutionary hair colouring upgrade service ● Simple three-step process ● Olaplex works on all hair types ● Free of silicone, sulphates, phthalates, DEA, aldehydes How to use Olaplex No.1 Bond Multiplier in your colour: Mix colour and developer together. For 2oz (60ml) or more of colour (not including developer), add 1/16oz (1.875ml) Olaplex No.1. For less than 2oz (60ml) of colour (not including developer), add 1/32oz (1ml) Olaplex No.1. Use the attached dosing dispenser to measure the correct amount of Olaplex needed. Add Olaplex to your pre-mixed colour and mix thoroughly. Apply and process as normal. Rinse or shampoo and apply a generous amount of Olaplex No.2 Bond Perfector. Comb through and leave on for a minimum of 10-20 minutes. Rinse, shampoo and condition.

Product Details

OLAPLEX No.1 重組頭髮結構
由於漂染/電燙頭髮都會破壞髮絲內的二硫連鎖(DISULFIDE BONDS)導致髮絲受損、開叉丶折斷


Olaplex No 1是在電染髮時鞏固二硫連鎖,No 2 是將髮絲內的二硫連鎖重新連接,進一步恢復健康髮質

● 功能:頭髮鏈結多重強化。
● 專業頭髮護理適用於漂髮, 染髮, 冷燙, 熱塑燙, 溫塑燙, 燙直, 離子護或是居家護理.需搭配OLAPLEX NO.2使用


用法:調和7.5ml的1劑 + 45ml的水在塗放瓶中,將頭髮用水槍均勻噴溼,取用上述稀釋過後的1劑均勻淋於溼髮上,靜待15分鐘。


1. 此為平行進口產品。
2. 請勿讓兒童接觸。只供外用。
3. 使用時避開眼部,如不慎入眼立即以清水洗淨。
4. 使用時,如果出現紅腫,腫脹,瘙癢或刺激等異常,請停止使用並諮詢皮膚科醫生。
5. 日本品牌大多不設生產日期或到期日,請細心考慮才購買。
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