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Green Element

Lazulite - Instant B5 Premier Complex+ 【第二代升級版】神級瞬間絲聚蛋白護髮升級焗油



瞬間絲聚蛋白護髮組合,具100%滲透性、水溶性、治療性、親膚性療髮功效!採用活性成份STRUCTURINE®,優質的純Vitamin B5,NAPCA等7種原材料,為你秀髮全方位內至外深層導入護理,修復重建、重組結構、强化髮芯、提升彈性韌度,讓你秀髮生機重現,有如抓摸到的天然髮手感,充滿輕柔動感,秀髮回復年青。並配備100ml免冲滲透性營養修復霜作45-60天效果維持,讓你分秒散發誘人魅力! Lazulite Instant B5 Premier Complex+ 【第二代升級版】神級瞬間絲聚蛋白護髮升級焗油 蘊含7種珍貴植物精華、高純度維他命B5、透明質酸及NaPCA多種保濕因子等修護秀髮及頭皮層成份~ 更特別添加了4種天然養髮提取物:巴西果籽油、甜扁桃油、橄欖果油等!!!! 比起舊版的紫色, 新版粉紅色的B5 Treatment 精華成份多了足足一倍** 具備100%滲透性、水溶性、治療性、親膚性療髮功效~ 能夠高度滲透、直達髮芯, 全面重建及修復內在受損結構 日本製造 Made in Japan 套裝: 1.高純度維生素B5 (複合物1) 10ml 2.NAPCA (複合物2) 5ml 3.瞬間絲聚蛋白護髮霜 (複合物3) 100ml 4.水潤光澤精華 (複合物4) 5ml 5.免沖洗柔潤髮霜 (複合物5) 100ml *注意:複合物1、2、4是一次性使用,支裝複合物3和5可剩餘日常使用 功效: -改善受損的頭髮 -持久濕潤頭髮,避免頭髮乾燥分裂 -多種天然保濕因子成份,瞬間保濕水潤,提升秀髮柔順度 -逆轉乾枯髮絲,光澤綻放 用法: 1. 洗髮後,不需使用護髮素,先印乾頭髮水份 2.將B5(複合物1)及NAPCA(複合物2)混合,均勻地塗在髮尾上,然後包上熱毛巾,靜待10分鐘,不用沖水 3.將膠原蛋白霜(複合物3)均匀地塗上頭髮,用手指輕輕按摩頭髮, 再用風筒加熱10-15分鐘然後用溫水沖洗(不建議用熱水,避免破壞養份),再印乾頭髮水份 4. 將保濕因子(複合物4)塗於頭髮上,加以輕揉 (特別是受損部份) 即可 5.取適量的膠原蛋白霜(複合物5)塗抹於髮中至尾部,再以風筒吹乾或自然風乾 適用髮質: -適合嚴重受損髮質

Product Details

Lazulite Instant B5 Premier Complex+

Just launched: Instant B5 Premier Complex +. Possesses 100% penetration ability and water solubility. It has therapeutic hair treatment effects, is skin friendly and contains STRUCTURINE®, which is based on the latest scientific research in the world and patented in France. It contains high quality Vitamin B5 and seven types of skin care materials including NaPCA. In accordance with cosmetic principles, it provides comprehensive internal and external deep treatment for your hair, repairing, restoring and restructuring. It can also strengthen your hair cores, and enhance elasticity and toughness by repairing from the inside out. Your hair will immediately return to its youthful appearance, full of supple texture and natural feel. It also comes with 100ml of long-acting nutrient restoration cream, which is effective for 45-60 days and adheres to all your hair strands day and night, letting you radiate alluring charm every second.

- Thoroughly repair dry hair, split ends and damaged hair
- Completely rebuild and restore structural damage
- Strengthen hair cores, enhance elasticity and toughness



1. This is a parallel imported product.
2. Keep out of reach of children. For external use only.
3. Avoid the eyes when using it. If it gets into the eyes, wash it off with water immediately.
4. During use, if there are abnormalities such as redness, swelling, itching or irritation, please stop using and consult a dermatologist.
5. Most Japanese brands do not have a production date or expiration date, please consider carefully before buying.
6. The pictures are for reference only, and everything is subject to the actual product.
7. The products are protected by bubble paper or outer box packaging, but there is still a chance that the outer box/package of the product may be slightly damaged/incomplete during the shipping process, which does not affect the quality of the product.
8. Some brands have production lines in different countries. The batches of products are different, and the place of production may be different. Everything is subject to the actual product.
9. Due to hygiene reasons, the goods will not be returned or exchanged.
10. The use of ingredients or precipitation or crystallization of individual products is a normal phenomenon and is not damaged or expired. The relevant conditions do not affect the quality of the product. Users can try to mix well before use.
11. In case of any dispute, the shop reserves the right of final decision.


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