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LONGSEE Rapid Detection Kit [Saliva Type] (Immuno-Chromatography) (1 Pcs) 新冠病毒檢測快測 深喉唾液測試 [免撩鼻]

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LONGSEE Covid-19 抗原自檢試劑盒在 2 到 5 分鐘內為您提供最接近 RT-PCR 的準確度結果。經 IMR 認證的 100% 特異性和 100% 靈敏度的準確度。簡單易用,只需 2 個步驟 - 將我們的深喉唾液與提供的唾液收集器內的稀釋劑混合,搖勻並在 1 分鐘後滴 3 滴到測試盒上。真實結果將在 2 到 5 分鐘之間實時顯示。經 KKM (MDA) 官方批准 , ISO13485 認證,歐盟委員會。能夠檢測突變變體的技術。 LONGSEE Covid-19 Antigen Self-Test Kit gives you a highest accuracy result which closest to RT-PCR just within 2 to 5 minutes. Accuracy of 100% Specificity and 100% Sensitivity certified by IMR. Simple and easy to use in 2 Steps - Mix our deep throat saliva with the diluent inside the saliva collector provided, shake it well and drip 3 drops after 1 min onto the test cartridge. Real result will be shown in real time between 2 to 5 mins. 【Introduction】 The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 or 2019-nCoV) . It is an enveloped non-segmented positive-sense RNA virus, which is contagious in humans. 2019-nCoV has several structural proteins including spike (S), envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N). It is spread by human-to-human transmission via droplets or direct contact, and infection has been estimated to have a mean incubation period of 6.4 days. Among patients with pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 or 2019-nCoV, fever was the most common symptom, followed by cough. The main IVD assays used for COVID-19 employ real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) that takes a few hours. The availability of a cost-effective, rapid point-of-care diagnostic test is critical to prevent further spread of the virus. Antigen tests will play a critical role in the fight against COVID-19. 【Test Procedure】 Test Preparation 1. Allow all kit components to equilibrate to room temperature (15-30°C) prior to testing for 30 minutes. 2. Do not place anything in the mouth including food,drink,gum, tobacco,water and mouthwash products for at least 30 minutes prior to collection of oral fluid specimen. Specimen Collection & Extraction 1. Unscrew the tube cap. 2. Screw the collection funnel onto the tube carefully. 3. Spit the saliva into the collection funnel gently as much as possible close to 1mL. 4. Tighten the tube cap after unscrewing the collection funnel carefully. 5. Turn upside down the collection tube slightly for 5 seconds, so that the sample extraction buffer can mix with the saliva sample evenly. 6. Leave the collection tube stand at room temperature for 5 minutes. Reaction with Test Cartridge 1. Remove a test cartridge from the sealed pouch by tearing at the notch and place it on a level surface.Dripping 3~4 drops (about 100 μL) of extracted specimens vertically into the specimen well (S) on the test cartridge by dropper . Do not handle or move the test cartridge until the test is complete and ready for reading. Bubbles that occur in the extraction tube can lead to inaccurate results. 2. Start timer. Read result within 15 ~20 minutes of adding the sample. The test result is invalid after 20 minutes. 【介紹】 冠狀病毒病(COVID-19)是一種由新發現的冠狀病毒、嚴重急性呼吸綜合徵冠狀病毒2(SARS-CoV-2或2019-nCoV)引起的傳染病。它是一種有包膜的非節段正義 RNA 病毒,在人類中具有傳染性。 2019-nCoV 具有多種結構蛋白,包括刺突蛋白 (S)、包膜蛋白 (E)、膜蛋白 (M) 和核衣殼蛋白 (N)。它通過飛沫或直接接觸在人與人之間傳播,據估計感染的平均潛伏期為 6.4 天。在由 SARS-CoV-2 或 2019-nCoV 引起的肺炎患者中,發熱是最常見的症狀,其次是咳嗽。用於 COVID-19 的主要體外診斷檢測採用實時逆轉錄酶聚合酶鏈反應 (RT-PCR),需要幾個小時。具有成本效益、快速的即時診斷測試對於防止病毒進一步傳播至關重要。抗原檢測將在抗擊 COVID-19 中發揮關鍵作用。 【測試程序】 1. 在測試 30 分鐘之前,讓所有試劑盒組件平衡至室溫 (15-30°C)。 2. 採集唾液樣本前至少 30 分鐘內不要將任何東西放入口中,包括食物、飲料、口香糖、煙草、水和漱口水產品。 標本採集和提取 1. 擰下管蓋。 2. 小心地將收集漏斗擰到試管上。 3. 將唾液輕輕吐入收集漏斗中,盡可能接近1mL。 4. 小心擰開收集漏斗後擰緊管蓋。 5. 將收集管輕輕倒置 5 秒,使樣品提取緩衝液與唾液樣品混合均勻。 6. 將收集管在室溫下放置 5 分鐘。 與測試盒的反應 1. 從密封袋中撕下缺口處取出測試盒,將其放置在水平面上。用滴管將3~4滴(約100 μL)提取的標本垂直滴入測試盒上的樣品孔(S)中.在測試完成並準備好讀取之前,請勿處理或移動測試盒。提取管中出現的氣泡會導致結果不准確。 2. 啟動計時器。添加樣品後 15 ~ 20 分鐘內讀取結果。 20分鐘後檢測結果無效。

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