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Green Element

FIOLE - Qualucia 補色去黃洗頭水 - 米色 1000ml



產地日本 商品簡介 日本製造 • 鞏固髮廊染後髮色並延長新染髮色壽命,享受高亮度和高飽和度的色彩。 • 混合13種植物提取物和護理損傷成分,溫和呵護頭髮和頭皮的氨基酸清潔配方,修護因反複染色而受損的頭髮。 使用方法: 用洗髮水預先洗淨頭髮後,將Fiole Qualucia洗髮水從頭到尾混合,拂過整個頭髮;將整根頭髮洗淨,做到均勻、無氣泡;沖洗乾淨頭髮以避免任何氣泡殘留,從起泡始靜置5分鐘後再沖洗乾淨。



It is a high-brightness and high-saturation color shampoo from the Quorcia line, allowing you to enjoy vivid colors. It excels in color adherence and approaches color fading, making your freshly salon-colored hair last longer. Additionally, it contains 13 kinds of plant extracts and damage-care ingredients. With a gentle amino acid-based cleansing formula, it supports hair that has been damaged by repeated coloring.


How to use:
After prewashing with shampoo and blend the color shampoo from the root to the ends.
Color shampoo whisks around the entire hair
Wash the entire hair so that it is uneven and bubble-free.
Rinse hair well to avoid any bubbles residue. 5 minutes of baking from frothing to rinse

