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Green Element

AntidotPro by Scalfix電染和解護理1000ml/33.8oz



Made in Canada The 12 active natural ingredients inside contains antihistamine properties which can​ neutralize histamines and minimize discomfort on skin after stimulation. ​Antidotprois a product like no other, it replenishes and protects the skin moisture barrier while hydrating and moisturizing. Add AntidotPro into any hair products or mixture during chemical procedures can effectively protect scalp and prevent any discomfort on scalp. It can also apply for skin allergy such as skin redness itchy, discomfort after shaving or​ tattooing, etc. How to Use: When having hair chemical procedure, add appropriate amount of AntidotPro into the mixture. The suggested ratio is 1(AntidotPro) : 6(mixture). For sensitive scalp, it can be​ changed into ratio of 1:4 and optionally apply it directly on scalp before applying the 1:4-ratio mixture (depends on the sensitive level of scalp). For itchy scalp with red dots, add AntidotPro into shampoo with 1:4 ratio and mix well for shampooing; OR apply AntidotPro directly on scalp after shampooing and massage scalp till it is totally absorbed. ​Add AntidotPro to any haircolor, bleach, perm mix or any hair product, mix well and apply as usual. The ratio is recommended up to a total of 4oz/120ml of product. For skin discomfort such as eczema, skin redness itchy, discomfort after shaving or tattooing, etc., apply AntidotPro directly on affected area and massage till it is totally absorbed. 加拿大製造 AntidotPro 電染和解護理含和解分子A12,即12種能和解刺激物的天然成份研製而成,可中和過敏反應,能夠有效降低皮膚受刺激後的不適感覺。 舒緩不適之餘作為皮膚屏障,可補充及保護皮膚濕潤度 於漂染電燙時加入AntidotPro,能有效保護頭皮,舒緩不適感,鎮靜頭部皮膚。 亦適用於其他皮膚敏感不適,如濕疹、紅腫痕癢等情況。 使用方法: 把AntidotPro 混合于漂粉奶、染髮劑、電燙髮水並均勻攪拌之後如常使用。 頭髮漂染電燙時,將1份AntidotPro加進6份混合物,再進行漂染電燙程序。如果 頭皮較易敏感,可改為使用1:4的比例或者先塗適量AntidotPro於頭皮後再以1:4的比例使用。 若用於頭皮痕癢、有紅點的情況,則可以1份AntidotPro與4份洗髮乳完全混合後使用;或洗髮後取適量的AntidotPro,直至塗抹於頭皮敏感位置上。 此產品使用上限建議​不超過4oz/120ml 亦可直接塗抹皮膚上,按摩至完全吸收,用以舒緩皮膚紅腫痕癢、濕疹、剃鬚或 脫毛後、紋眉或紋身後等情況所引起的過敏反應及不適。

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